My Suggestions! Your Choice! Your Vote!

Hey everyone. With the WINTER Preview almost ready to be published I wanted to get this one last thing off my back.
You see I am really eager to cover one of the following four series that have been released back a few years. Some of them are silly choices, but they are also something I wanted to cover due to curiosity and for fun.
So this is where you guys come in. I would absolutely love you guys to vote for one of the four shows, and whatever wins will be the first one I will cover. If I end up not covering a lot of shows during the Winter Season I will cover the two with the highest votes at the same time. These shows, I will confess – have seen before, but are definitely the ones I want to look back and see if I feel the same way compared to the first time, not to mention it’s been a while since I have watched them (except for Eyeshield 21, i just finished watching that last week!).
The poll is on the sidebar, it will be open for exactly one month then it will be closed. So I won’t be getting the results till the end of December! So please vote, you do not have to be a user of wordpress or anything to do so!!! Choose whatever perks your interest the most or would like to see me cover! Please vote, I would really appreciate it. If any questions or even other suggestions that I should add in the future don’t be shy to mention it. 😀