Okay, this is what we’ve been waiting for! The entire point of going back to the series in the first place, the long awaited Circus arc. They leave the three servants in charge of the house, I do hope it’s still standing when they return. Of course it will be, anyone who’s read the manga knows that.

So Ciel is reading a note from the queen, he’s being sent to the circus due to the fact that children have been vanishing in places this circus has been visiting. Where to go first…

OMG, THE OPENING IS EVEN MORE AMAZING THEN I REMEMBER IT BEING. Still hoping they don’t put too much focus on Grell in this season despite the opening.

To the police station to gather information. No bodies have been found that match the missing children reports. I know I remember this police character from the manga but I honestly don’t believe he left much of an impression on me, not enough to remember his name. Anyway, yeah. No bodies. Ciel is not so sure, he would like to check the underworld and that means a visit to only one person. Our beloved character Undertaker.


Laughter for information, oh Undertaker. WHAT IN GODS NAME DID CIEL DO TO MAKE HIM LAUGH? I AM CURIOUS, I’M SUPER CURIOUS! WHY DID HE LOOK SO…BLUSHY? WHAT HAPPENED? SOMEONE IS GOING TO TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY AND START SHIPPING THIS COUPLE! oh well, at least it’d be better then Ciel/Sebastian…I won’t get into that rant here….vlcsnap-13954536

So undertaker says he heard anything about the kids, they weren’t customers of his and he hadn’t heard any rumors. leaving us to know that they are still alive. So it’s off to the circus for us!

We get introduced to all of the members of the circus and there are no children being forced to perform in sight. For the last act, they require a volunteer…A final act that involves a tiger. We remember that Sebastian has a weak spot for cats right?

Well he stands up and gets chosen, Ciel has this whole dialogue about investigation and Sebastian just walks up to the tiger.

You know, this subtle sums up everything ever. Goodnight everyone.

Okay, seriously. After being bitten twice, Joker runs up and offers to have the circus doctor take a look at Sebastian. The doctor looks him over to find no injury and Sebastian passes it off as an affectionate nip…
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-5 minutes of dying of laughter later-

So uh, he looks at the fake-limbs the doctor makes and accidentally gets a little touchy with beast and starts a fight in which he shows off some of his demon skills.
(Note: Beast calms down when Joker is talking to her…I’d calm down too if Mamoru Miyano spoke to me like that)


Sebastian gets himself invited to join the circus and asks if he can introduce them to someone else. Which we know is Ciel, he says he’ll return tomorrow with that person. He goes to investigate some further back tents and is stopped by snake, that’s where the episode ends.

YES, NEXT EPISODE HAS WILLIAM IN IT! I CAN’T WAIT, OH MY GOD. EXPECT PICTURE SPAMMING OF THE BEST SHINIGAMI IN THIS SHOW (unpopular opinion is unpopular). Alright, in all seriousness this episode was amazing. The animation is still up to par and we actually covered new ground rather then rehashing something we’d animated before this week. It honestly seemed like a waste of an episode in a short series to start where they did and moving into something new was a good thing. I’m really proud of how they’re handling the arc so far, a lot of it I do remember from the manga. Such as the part with Sebastian with the tiger, the scene with Beasts leg and next episodes addition of William to the roster of characters for the season. I hope they continue this way following the manga’s path.


[William fandom intensifies]~Midnight

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Brittany

    It couldn’t be that bad considering sebastian made him laugh out loud and all he did was tell a joke who knows

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