Ah thank god, once again Shirobako decided to  jump back on the “good” train. I’ve come to notice something about this show. When it’s not about Miyamori’s angst about her indecisiveness, this is actually a pretty damn good show. The problem is, they feel as if her angst is necessary. But what was this episode about? Well i’ll tell you.

So we start out with the gang having the same problem they ended with last time. There aren’t enough animators to finish the episode, however Miyamori goes off to talk to the guy who did Evangelion…or whatever the non-copywright infringing title they gave it.

"Hmmm...not enough boobs."
“Hmmm…not enough boobs.”

He looks it over but tells her that they have a great animator at their own studio who could do this no problem. Turns out they’re talking about the old guy who I like that keeps trying to give speeches to the artist chick.

So Miyamori goes to him and asks him if he’d draw the horses.

Because Old people are bamf
Because Old people are bamf

He agrees but says he’s going to need help with finishing it they hope to get it done in time. Everyone agrees and they work like crazy to get it done.

Oh yeah. and it turns out that the blonde girl’s dad is fine.

So what you're saying is..I can play this candy like a kazoo?
So what you’re saying is..I can play this candy like a kazoo?

There’s a few other hiccups along the way, but with hardly any time to spare, they get the episode finished, including the horse scene

Ed: I don't think we'll make it Wilbur "My name's not fucking wilbur!"
Ed: I don’t think we’ll make it Wilbur
“My name’s not fucking wilbur!”

So the episode ends with everybody celebrating and having a party. The End.

Wow, talk about a short recap. Like I’ve said in the past, this show is monumentally difficult to recap. Either you talk about the few big things that happened or the 47 little things that happened. For example, I could talk about how the old guy made Miyamori’s favorite anime when she was a kid, but I don’t know how pertinent that is to the recap.

I will admit, that IS adorable.
I will admit, that IS adorable.

Still though, this was a great episode. Not just because of the fact that they finished the episode, but a few other things.

Like I said in the past, I really like the old guy. And i’m actually very happy that they decided to make him more of an important character. I actually have been feeling bad that it almost seemed as if everyone regarded him as more of a piece of furniture than an actual character, and to my surprise, they actually talked about that in the show and it was a major concern of his. Now that he has stepped more into the limelight, I just REALLY hope they don’t kill him off I’ll be so pissed if they do the “kill the old guy because he’s old and now has a purpose in life” bullshit. I will be so fucking pissed at this show if they pull that trope.

I'm off to hopefully not go die. Bye!
I’m off to hopefully not go die. Bye!

Another thing that shocked me about this show is, as much as I hate to admit it, Miyamori became a little less irritating this episode. She was less angsty, and talked to the old guy and basically just fanned out over his work and that made me happier with her….for now.

This was another one of the “come on! We have to finish this together!” episodes. There isn’t a lot to talk about as it’s a lot of shots everyone working together to get the episode done. You get a little nervous during it but everything works out okay in the end. All in all, it was actually a pretty damn good episode. And if next week is as good, we’re gonna be in business.

Episode 8/10


P.S. Please don’t kill the old guy.

Oh, and btw, they also breezed over the fact that it was christmas again.
Oh, and btw, they also breezed over the fact that it was christmas again.