This episode Rimuru learns about his eventual perfect match. He seems hesitant until he realizes she’s Japanese, and he seems excited to meet her. The elves are jealous, and to be honest, why would anyone insult the elves?? Their legend is beautiful. They can all be your soul mates, you don’t need just one. Why? Well, it’s all fine until the person who commissioned the dwarves shows up to spill wine on Rimuru and be an ass about the productions. Kaijin, in his outrage, punches his commissioner. This gets him exiled; and Rimuru gladly offers him a job. Well, it seems like this is all that’s gonna happen to them, until the dwarves all get put on trial for the assault. Oopsie daisie.

The most important part of this episode is: getting the dwarves to teach the goblins, and then introducing important elements of the story. This all happens in the jail scene and the following trial, which are very heartwarming and frustrating respectively. Seeing the dwarves come to love Rimuru and respect him for all of his help makes me remember very strongly why I care for this show. There is nothing like having Rimuru break most of the tension with his compassion and concern for the other characters.

That being said, the minister makes me as frustrated as he is supposed to do. But once we are introduced to the Hero King I became excited. He hears testimony about Kaijin being a jerk who assaulted the minister, which of course isn’t true. Thankfully the Hero King is pretty much like okay this is whatever. His expression made me feel like he was going to get it: but the king ultimately decided to send him to the mines. When he meets objection, he and his fellow workers are exiled. While it seems the Hero King might be on his side, instead he confronts Vesta after the trial.

The Hero King is displeased to have lost Kaijin because of Vesta’s actions against him. Vesta defends himself but the King’s face is clear. Ultimately he reveals that the slime, Rimuru, is capable of making a potion more pure than anything the dwarves can make. He is damn sure pissed that he no longer has a connection to Rimuru because of Vesta’s actions, and makes it clear how disappointed he is with Vesta in general.

But gosh, this show makes me so conflicted. By the end we learn that even though Vesta did awful things, he genuinely did love his king and wanted to be of use to him. This show makes me so angry because I want to dislike people, and so far it’s hard to dislike anyone. How dare a show make me unconditionally happy! I hate you slime show, stop making me so happy!

Well, except for that whole ‘the king knowing Rimuru has an evil dragon inside of him’.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Kanmuru

    The king didn’t seem like he knows that Veldora is inside Rimuru, he just felt a possible threat at a similar level.

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