Hey hey I don’t like the writer of Girlfriend, Hey hey I think it needs a new one…

Damn. did it really take me 7 episodes to make that joke? Wow.

Anyway, yep, Still reviewing this show. So um… What gigantic world crushing issue have we got today? Well I know you’re all DYING to find out, so let’s go.

The episode starts out with a girl we haven’t seen before trying to write the ending to her book. And let’s see if i remember this. It’s about a Bok Choy, a Shiba dog man, an alien, a cyborg, and a japanese castle man (i’m sure i forgot a few but i’m surprised I actually even remembered THAT many.) Trying to save the world

Here's where i'd normally say, gee, i wish i thought of that. Though um..i'm not so sure I do
Here’s where i’d normally say, gee, i wish i thought of that. Though um..i’m not so sure I do

The problem is, she’s having writers block and can’t think of an ending. So we see the library chick we saw in  few other episodes come around and ask her if she can read the manuscript. The girl allows her and she loves it.

It's almost as good as your porn fics!
It’s almost as good as your porn fics! Oh, and apparently her name is Natsume.

The only issue is, the library girl then lets the French chick see it who lets another person see it, etcetera, etcetera.  Until finally about 10 girls want to see the ending of this book.

Did I ask you for your help bitches?
Did I ask you for your help bitches?

They do things like trying to help her out by giving her a deadline, and bothering her until she works on it. Natsume starts getting frustrated over this, but eventually gets over it when she realizes that they’re just doing it because they have a genuine interest in her book.

So the girls then try to help her out any way they can.


Eventually though she does manage to finish the book and everyone is fucktastically happy with the ending.

This is the greatest thing since sliced porn. wait..what?
This is the greatest thing since sliced porn. wait..what?

The only issue is, now Natsume is sad because the story she’s been working on for so long is done, and she has to leave the world behind she’s worked on for so long.

Then she realizes like a derp “oh yeah, I can just make  sequel.” And she does.

End of Episode.

I do have to give this episode something. Unlike last episode, I didn’t have to pause this one several times or throw a shoe at the screen. It was pleasant, but there was actually a goal in which I didn’t feel like everyone was retarded . I mean yes, they’re not the most charismatic people in the world but I do not wish to murder anyone this episode.

You don't have enough emotion for me to care.
You don’t have enough emotion for me to care.

I don’t even know. Maybe I’ve just lowered my standards with this show so much that I don’t compare it to actual other shows, I compare it to itself. And if I were to do that, it’s probably the least frustrating/offensive episode I’ve seen so far. So I guess….pat yourself on the back for that Girlfriend?

I don’t know…. It just seems to me that when I say “This is the least annoying episode” There’s a flagrant flaw in your storytelling.

There’s nothing really to say in this episode. A girl couldn’t finish a novel, her friends helped her out and then she did. That’s…really all there is to say. It’s not going to win an emmy for writing, but it’s innocuous enough…and it wasn’t painful..so..yay?

Iunno…Dammit Girlfriend between you and Vanadis you’ve killed me on the inside? Happy?

Still…it was…okay i guess?

Why not? I had to watch your whole episode
Why not? I had to watch your whole episode

So all in all, this episode is a giant MEH. Which is a plus in your case Girlfriend. Good job.

Episode 5/10
