And once again we’re back to the world of Dancing. But this time, it’s not just dancing. It’s TOURNAMENT dancing. Because dear sweet jesus. What would an anime be…without a tournament?

That being said, this episode was a LOT of buildup. And um…this season doesn’t have a lot of time left. So uh…yeah. Let me explain what happened.

So the episode starts up with the group ready to dance on the day of the tournament. They hold their ticket up at the designated location and magical Jey logos appear and lead them to a secret door.

Ohhhh So THAT'S what millionaire music artists do with their money. Suddenly I understand their gripe with Napster.
Ohhhh So THAT’S what millionaire music artists do with their money. Suddenly I understand their gripe with Napster.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs they meet up with the moonwalking guy from before who greets them and tells them that they have one more chance to back out. They disagree so he shows them downstairs to the waiting room.


Upon arriving at the bottom of THOSE stairs, they meet up with Jey’s butler, who leads them to ANOTHER room. (Jesus, there’s a lot of that this episode)

Apparently Jey's butler is super cool famous.
Apparently Jey’s butler is super cool famous.

They reach the room to get prepared for dancing. After they get ready ANOTHER room opens up (Jesus) and they head in until they FINALLY reach the arena. Which is mainly comprised of other dancers and rich old people in the audience.

Man, rich old people get to be audience members at ALL the cool fictional events...
Man, rich old people get to be audience members at ALL the cool fictional events…

There Jey shows up via television (because screw that noise he’s too rich to care.) to tell them a generic greeting of love, world peace, and all that good stuff.

(Seen above, Good Stuff)
(Seen above, Good Stuff)

And with that, Dance Road has begun. Compete with new MC, some crazy guy with a big chin who’s very excitable..who…also apparently is famous even though we’ve never seen him before so we really only have the main character’s word that he’s famous. So um…..yay famous guy!

I'm famous because the main characters say I am!
I’m famous because the main characters say I am!

It’s then that the competition begins. We don’t really get to see it however as we only really get to see a montage. However after it’s over, Tribe Cool Crew gets to dance their little CGI hearts out.

3D? Geez..I don't know.. 2 d's are usually my limit... wait...ewww
3D? Geez..I don’t know.. 2 d’s are usually my limit… wait…ewww

And the episode ends without us knowing how they did.

This episode had a LOT of prep stuff. Like I said in my recap, they looked at something in awe, went through a door, looked in awe, went down stairs, looked in awe, etc, etc.

The level of buildup they put into this episode was INSANE. I don’t really know about the pacing of this show. It’s like…. they spent so long getting these guys together, and then they spent two whole episodes on NOTHING and now they’re trying to cram everything into the last 2 episodes. I mean, I enjoy it, but it feels really rushed at times and then really SLOW at times. It’s like it COUNTS on getting a second season. Which I can’t say i’m really a fan of shows working like that.

(example of what i'm talking about. 3 minute scene in an elevator)
(example of what i’m talking about. 3 minute scene in an elevator)

The stuff at the end was actually pretty but they spent so long getting there that nothing interesting really happened until about 13 minutes into the episode. and in a 2o minute long show, that’s a little too long.

Either way, excited for the next episode. I hope they make it far, if not win. If it’s one of those “oh, they lost in the first round but they’ll get better.” Craptastical ending, I’ll be pissed. Don’t you do this to me TOO Tribe Cool Crew.

Episode 5.5/10
