Oh snap, who would have thought the beach episode was going to have any major plot development?!
Lock, you freaking genius! Bless our villains for their forward thinking and clever ways! In order to speed up the efforts to collect more despair, Lock decided he was going to steal all the girls’ Dress Up Keys, and that’s exactly what did. He planned a baited fight where he had no intention of winning. Instead he was simply looking for the opportunity to pick-pocket their keys! And worse of all, like anyone who has been pick-pocketed, the girls didn’t know until later in the evening about their missing keys! I couldn’t find it in me to laugh with them at the beach after the fight, knowing their keys have been stolen.
This is a fantastic development, and it is all thanks to the writers who have chosen to make our villains intelligent! It becomes the same old if there isn’t a shift in the pattern, and this is a great way to create a major dilemma for the second half of the series. However, it is now a matter of how it will unfold from here. With Towa as the only one who still has her keys, it makes it complicated and very difficult for the girls to find a way to continue their roles as Precure Warriors. In next week’s episode, they may just provide them the relics of the Legendary Precures’ Keys in order to have something to work with for the time being. The Preview has me scratching my head a bit, wondering if perhaps the girls may be brought back into time to witness the dramatic battle against Dyspear and her forces. And there, perhaps they may just obtain a new key or find the old key to use.

I am not going to lie, I feel like I was trolled when the key came out of Yui’s sketchbook turned out to be the Sunshine Dress Up Key for Towa. (Well actually she would need to find a Precure Perfume to activate it first…Welp, BUT IT WOULD BE A START!) I was flipping out excitedly because YUI WAS SO STRONG. SHE CLUNG TO HER DREAM WITH ALL THAT SHE HAD! I was screaming, “YOU GO GIRL!”, and it felt as if this was the perfect opportunity to make her a Precure, because it showed how strongly she cherishes her dream, and tried to protect it at all cost. The fact she can even resist Lock’s powers for even a moment, says a lot.
But no. It looks like they want to keep Yui in her role as the Precures’ witness and support.
Alas, despite my disappointment with the Dress Up Key, I was absolutely delighted with the amount of screen-time and lines Yui had this week. Another element I was pleased with, was how her dream had evolved. Originally she wanted to simply be an author, but now she has a story she wants to share. She wants to share to the world of the Precures’ Heroics she had witnessed by being a part of their team. It is a beautiful dream, and it is actually something that is helping her find balance as she admitted to Towa she is envious of her because she is a Precure warrior, a role Yui would like to be a part of too.
Finally last but not least, let’s all take a moment to appreciate how ADORABLE Towa was this week. Her cute attempts to try and keep everyone out of the water and struggle to find the courage to admit she can’t swim was simply too adorable! The cuteness then went through the roof when she finally confessed she couldn’t swim!
While I enjoyed Towa’s dilemma, I particularly enjoyed seeing her and Yui bonding with each other. We haven’t had the chance to see Yui and Towa talk one on one with each other since she was saved. But my heart broke a little when Yui was showing her the drawings in her sketchbook, and told her, “I am always with all of you”. ; ___ ;
– When Yui said she envied Towa-chi i screamed yes in hope that she become a precure. I never had this much hope ever since Regina of DokiDoki and the Kaoru Sisters from SpashStar UGGGGGHHHHH Dx
#Yui4PrecureNominationFor the next episode, I was thinking that if those girls are indeed the past precure, they’re going to give the girls their own keys to be able to fight which might just turn into the last 3 keys
That’s what I’m predicting as well. It wouldddddd be cool if we saw different outfits from the new keys, but it doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen. Ahahahaha!
Lock cloning himself and stealing the keys like a boss!!! Yuiyui being (morally) badass and bonding with Towa!!! The past precures in the next episode!!! OMG GIVE ME THE NEXT EPISODE WHYISTHISSHOWSOCOOL??!!
Hmmmm, this weeks preview showed the girls actually transformed but looking at the episode summary for ep 30, [spoiler] it seems like the keys are still stolen because thats the episode Lock uses them to turn the castle into a monster, so who’s keys did the girls use to transform? Im assuming that, if those 3 girls are past precure and they give the current girls their keys to borrow to use to transform, they’re still going to have the same outfits, lol [/spoiler]
Honestly, this episode turned out much better than I’ve imagined! Dragon’s caramba, what a special and different episode this is for the series! It’s full of surprises and has very touching moments between Yui and Towa (as if I’m listening the track “Friends in my Heart” from Kingdom Heart games playing in those moments)!
Yui sure deserves to appear more in this series, and this episode is one of them, which also pleased me. I really like her but now even more to be honest again. :’)
When Towa and Yui talked about what they envy to each other really surprised me. And Yui saying with deep honesty and calmly to Towa really touched my heart. :’)
I think I know how you felt for that scene, Eva. And Yui’s line “I am always with all of you”, sure is beautiful and touching too. :’)
Another phrase from Kingdom Hearts that she reminded me: “Our hearts are connected”. Oh, I want to cry emotionally. :’)
I felt that she really matured and has become stronger in the heart. And what a wonderful new dream she has too.
My God, I really got shocked and surprised when she became the victim again! I was like: “Oh no! Not Yui! Again?! NO WAY!” And then, another surprise, I never thought she would struggle from letting her dream to be locked that time! She got stronger and really did her best, that really impressed and amused me. Glad that Towa managed to save her and her beautiful sketchbook (or the “picture diary”). I must write, that girl is more than meets the eye since the first episode!
The scene when Scarlet is holding Yui in her arms after rescuing her (both her life and dream) and they look at each other with deep friendship is beautiful to watch. Aaaaaawwww… ^^
And then, the new Dress Up Key arrives for their new strong bond. Yui sure is “what Towa has described to her” in this very episode. 🙂
And yeah, it was really funny and cute seeing Towa’s intentions to get way from swimming in the water! Humhumhumhum, smart princess! KAWAII! XD
And another thing I loved to see was Towa’s smile and expression right before she splashed right back at Kirara (who playfully splashed her first)! Ahhahahahhahahahahahha… XD
And wow, Towa is very good in many things if you know what I mean. 🙂
And yes, Lock has also matured and had a bulb lit up on his smart head of his for his successful evil plot.Hate to say this, but Queen Dyspear sure owes that guy a lot for the villain’s job! So Lock out, precure!
The three warriors didn’t realized they were stolen after Lock retreated! I was like: “What the heck! Don’t tell me you don’t know yet!” But yeah, they figured it out too late! I was afraid that they would figure that out at the beginning on the next episode!
The writers sure did a very good writing for this episode indeed, Eva. I really agree with that. 🙂
And the plot thickens! Can’t wait to see the next one and what will happen next for the Go! Princess warriors!
Also, I like the good ending and, despite it’s bad, the bad ending.
Oh, and one more thing. This turned to be one of my favorite episodes of the series too.
I agree this episode is the bomb dot com and I really wish Yui was a Precure i even know her transformation:
Princess of the night and its wonders! Cure Indigo… Totally my favorite episode this season its honestly even in my top 5 in the whole franchise
Thanks for agreeing with me, CureVoice (even that I wrote a lot).
And I really wish that “two”! Yui already has a lot more than anything she needs to deserve to be a precure. I’m wishing for that to happen too, hopefully. Let’s wait and see the next episodes. 🙂
Ah for we can only hope…
Hahaha yes! Towa was certainly a quick thinker! Too bad Pafu accidentally bailed out on her 😉
I certainly hope to see more interaction of Towa and Yui, they are absolutely adorable. <3
Alas, my heart still hurts for Yui, ; ___ ;
That was cruel, Toei, and you all should know it! Yui’s fighting for her dream just as strongly as any of the others, and she’s making notable progress towards achieving it. Having the key come out of her book, only to have it go to Towa, is just plain cruel.
Ultimate trolling on the writers’ part. TT__TT #ProtectYuiAtAllCost
Actually I’d like to comment on this topic, I think one comment from Kragito’s Cure Blogger site said that Yui-Yui doesn’t need any fancy stuff to make a difference and of course, her helping style on the Princess Cures was very meaningful to which I tended to agree on that. At the same time, the interview of Director Yuta Tanaka does at least make a damn sense after all about the envious stuff between her and Towachi. Now speaking of Scarlet, I just love her cute face when she was about to tell to the girls about her phobia of swimming. Well, Haru-Haru’s confidentiality on the company to go swimming made our fire princess a much afraid.
Meanwhile, Yuki Kaida has impressed me once again in voicing Lock in two different voice versions, so let’s all hats off to this beautiful seiyuu! At the same time when Lock seriously created a damn secret plan in snatching the first nine Dress Up Keys then I was reacted, “Sheets, just got real!” and an “Eh~~~!!!!” when Haru-Haru, Minamin and Kirara lately learned about their devices got stole by him through taking the cloning technique (Naruto reference intended).. 😮 I think for me that of our two recent team helpers in the Cure Series franchise (the other one was Seiji), Yui-Yui was indeed the quite biggest surprise ever so far. I mean, she showed us about her determination and courage in facing the power of despair even for a short while yet I’ve got a reaction, “Holy Seiji Sagara!” when Yui-Yui has once again turned into a Zetsuborg as well as an “Aw snap, not again!” which I think was a mixed of the same fate of hers from the first episode with some (quite little) touches of the one from Seiji last year.
One thing I can comment on Scarlet’s burning determination: Epic! As in (pardon me that I’m going to use my native language), sobrang epic niya (she’s super epic). And ever since her retrieval from Dyspear and redemption as a Cure, Towachi now already learned about the power of friendship to which she handled and applied a lot – from Haru-Haru who saved her soul and giving a second chance to correct her sins, Minamin who gave her courage to face the darkness fearlessly, Kirara who was there to cheer on; Puff and Aroma who were wanted to know Towachi more through their sibling effort which led to attain their new powers, and Yui-Yui who has earned trust, respect and gave more confidence to our third overall reformed Cure heroine despite of not having powers nor unable to fight.
If the Princess Cures, particularly Towachi, already dubbed our resourcing Yui-Yui as the “sun” that shines upon them, then I’d give her as the “true and symbolic key” and the “soon-to-be ultimate trump card of hope and dreams;” and of course, in fending Dys Dark’s clutches. Plus… to Yui-Yui, oh man, your dream to create a picture book based on your Cure partners… Just do it!!! And please, stay good all the time! >_< I'm definitely gonna buy one for my future kids once it's completed (and maybe it'd be having some translated versions in different parts of Earth when real).
I have to admit that my kokoro got straightly hit by Yui-Yui's now famed line for the GPPC season, "I am always be with all of you," thus making me banged also by the "Yui Nanase Effect" even more. Damn, I hope she wouldn't die nor receive the same fate as her Happiness Charge counterpart and predecessor, by Dyspear this time, within the season finale! Also, the five gals' are SO DANGED HOT in their swimsuits which make a first to have in the franchise's 11-year run!