Once again I sit back and watch the series in which I know, despite the characters’ original subject matter, everything is going to be just fine. And once again, I’m loving it. What’s the topic that our heroes have to deal with today? Well if you read the title you can guess. That’s right, it’s time for the school festival.
The episode starts up with the class deciding what it is they’d like to do. It’s decided that they’ll have a food stand as well as put on a play. While deciding what they should sell, Eren decides for them and says they need to sell cheeseburgers.

In order to make sure they sell a lot they want to use a cute person to dress up in an outfit and advertise them. WHY it’s Armin I have absolutely no idea.

Meanwhile Jean is playing the evil witch and performing the play of Snow White. Unfortunately everyone gets really busy at the Cheeseburger stand when they find out that there’s a competition and the ones who always win are the rice stand that happens to be next to them that’s run by Rico. Because of Eren’s inability to give up working on the stand, Jean has to continue on with the play with less and less people acting in it.

A lot of little things happen in the meantime like Reiner trying to eat a omelet at a maid cafe but Ymir keeps sabotaging it, but it’s not relevant to the overall story, it’s just good little snippets for character development.
Eventually the rice stand is ready to release its best rice when the titans show up and steal all of the food stalls.

And that’s basically where the episode ends.
Once again, this was a very short recap, but I have to say something about this series. There isn’t a lot of major plot points in this series, but that’s okay. The point of this show is not in the plot moving along, but it’s in the enjoyment in what’s going on. The little moments in which it makes you smile although it doesn’t move the plot forward. It’s a slice of life with a bit of fantasy element thrown in. That is ALL Attack on Titan should be. I do not care HOW scary they try to make this concept. It’s not scary. It’s ridiculous. I find ZOMBIES scarier, and I think that zombies are stupid.

The characters are far more enjoyable just being themselves in their over exaggerated state. The funny thing is, I actually find the least enjoyable part of this series to be in the short instances when the titans actually DO show up. I like the characters, I like watching them live and grow. I don’t know WHERE the concept for this series came from, but I love everything about it. I know I praise this show every week, and honestly, 11 episodes in it’s been a pretty damn good run. I’ve enjoyed this series far more than I thought I would. It’s fun watching Mikasa be super obsessed with Eren, Eren loving cheeseburgers, and Marco becoming class president. I like this stuff.

There’s at least one more episode so i’m not counting my chickens yet. A lot of series I’ve watched that have been great have come down with “Last episode sucks” syndrome where the entire series can be great, but the final episode sucks so much dick it almost ruins everything. examples being AD Police, I My Me Strawberry Eggs, and Gundam 8th MS Team to name a few. So no, I will not say a DAMN thing until the final episode comes out. THEN I will tell you my final thoughts. Not falling for this again. Still, great episode. Lot of fun. Go watch it.
Episode 7.5/10