Well, first off I have to say that I never expected Yuyuyu to come back with a sequel after all these years. But after watching the episode, I’m a little confused now. When does this take place? I had thought at first that this took place right after the events of season two, but now I’m not so sure. It’s been years since I’ve seen all of Yuyuyu so my memory is probably really crappy right now. Honestly a quick watch of the whole show would be a good idea.

So for most of the episode, it was a very quick-paced segment of the girls hanging out and just having fun, while also completing some of their club requests. There’s really not much to say about this as it was plain silly as they (temporarily) were in a band, sang some karaoke, and faced off against a team in a survival game. They also went camping together and there were plenty of cute moments. I almost forgot how excitable they all could be, it’s just nice seeing them have so much fun together. Their interactions are always great and it’s just nice to see them not suffer. After all the horrible things they’ve had to go through, I just want them to be normal girls.

Among all the cute and fluff, we did get a rather emotional moment with Sonoko and Togo talking about visiting Gin. Which I thought Togo already did, so that’s when I started questioning things. All the Vertexes should be gone, and the Shinju are all gone too. So why is Togo getting a visit from their messengers? The only thing that makes sense is that we’re getting a retelling of Yuusha no Shou or something like that, as that scene with Togo looked like when they had come to take her. I also do not recognize the girls at the end, and from some reactions I’m seeing…we’re getting a bit of a prequel or something? They seem significant in a way that I really just do not understand so I’m completely clueless and I feel like I’m missing something. And maybe that’s the point. I was already confused when they had announced another season of Yuyuyu, confused and excited I’ll admit. I wasn’t sure what the story would be this time and I still don’t know, even with what little hints we got this episode at the end. The only visual we have of this season is that image of Yuuna and Togo with Yuuna in her god form from season two so again, is this a retelling? I’m not sure what’s going on, but I was hoping that we would get to see any prequel story since people always talked about them and it made me intrigued. I guess I’ll just have to wait until next week to get my proper answer, as most of this episode was just the girls having fun and being silly.

This is a very strange first impression and I know this isn’t much of a good write up but I’m still trying my best to remember the events of the previous seasons and trying to piece together what this season is trying to do. So I’m just back to where I started at the beginning of this…hehe. Well, I’m still intrigued and I always love more Yuuki Yuuna (pls license the novels) so I’m gonna stick with this ride and see what’s going to be in store for us.

Possibility of watching: Guaranteed

Possibility of blogging: High

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NOTE: I know that the show comes out on Fridays, but with my busy work schedule and lack of energy, I’m going to try my best to get the entries out on time. But if that’s not possible, the most I’ll push it is to Sundays. I really don’t want to be inconsistent but life sure is inconsistent sometimes too, so I’m going to do my absolute best to have it out at least on Saturdays. Thanks for being patient with me!


Unfortunately still a weeb