Otome Yokai Zakuro Ep 7: A Tearjerking Reunion


Nuuu!!! DON'T DISAPPEAR! \\;^;//

Agemaki is asked back home to visit his family by his servant. He asks Zakuro to accompany him and agree to get a list of things that she wanted in exchange. Zakuro discovers that there’s a spirit in the house that has to do with Agemaki’s start of fearing spirits.
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My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute! Episode 7: *holding up rant*

holding up rant
holding up rant
holding up rant

Ok, I think I should be good enough not to rant about the stupid incest during this blog post. I am sincerely sorry (well, kind of) for the people who watch this show and enjoy incest, but I have LOTS of trouble reviewing this sometimes, although it is a very  good show.

priceless imitation.

This week, Kuroneko and Saori are supposed to come over for a screening of Meruru. (more…)