Gah! What is this? The “Finding stuff and returning it to people” week? Pfff….oh yeah. guess I better explain what I mean.

So the episode starts out with a girl singing. Why she’s singing? I have no idea. She just is. You really need a reason?

Oh my. Apparently that singing feels pretty good.
Oh my. Apparently that singing feels pretty good.

After the intro we see that the new gang of..library happiness club…. (Yeah I never really got that either) decided the best way to get members is to pick up trash and show how helpful they are. This seems to work somewhat as a blonde haired girl decides to join.


While on the wacky misadventures of picking up garbage, our main hero (fuck if I remember his name) comes across that singing girl from earlier and helps her retrieve money she dropped under the vending machine. She thanks him by buying him a drink.

No. Thank YOU
No. Thank YOU girl who looks like if Yuki from Haruhi and Rei from Evangelion had a baby.


Of course the gang stumbles upon it and wonders who it belongs to. They quickly find out who it belongs to, (the first person they asked happens to be her childhood friend. i know, convenient, right?) and they go off to find her to give it back to her.

Like I said in the first line of this review. Oh crap this seems familiar. And that’s only because that was the exact plot of the first episode of girlfriend. Only there’s actually 2 dudes who talk in this show…Even if the main character wants to have sex with books.

I guess he took the term "Dive into a good book" a tad too literally.
I guess he took the term “Dive into a good book” a tad too literally.

At least they find her quicker than the girl in Girlfriend as they return her tuning fork which apparently means the world to her.

The next day the new girl (scrolls up to look at picture to see her name) ah. Suzuki. Suzuki has a brand new cell phone but somehow the Shepard once again sends them all an email simultaneously telling them that they need to talk to that girl who sings.

I didn't get a fucking cell phone till i was 18...and that was a GODDAMN FLIP PHONE!
I didn’t get a fucking cell phone till i was 18…and that was a GODDAMN FLIP PHONE!

The karate girl from last episode suggests that they try to find a person who’s good with computers who can help track where the messages are coming from. Suzuki says she knows someone and then they show us this loli to insinuate that it’s her.

I don't know if  I trust you...You look a little too much like squid girl....
I don’t know if I trust you…You look a little too much like squid girl….

And that’s where the episode ends.

I have to say, I am a little disappointed in this episode. It had some cute moments, but nothing really happened. It’s filled with “Let’s do stuff to make more friends!” or “Oh no we have to find this girl to give her her damn tuning fork back!” It really didn’t progress the plot forward in any way whatsoever. And I know this is petty but WHY DO ALL BOOKS THIS GUY READS HAVE NO COVERS?


I know this is petty. But I want to know what he’s reading.

Anyway, getting a bit off topic there.

The show seemed to have dipped off a little bit this episode into Tee-Hee land. And that kind of worries me. when a show spends too much time farting around (especially in a show that doesn’t have a million and five episodes) They end up having to put all the plot in the last two episodes and by that point it’s too much information and it feels rushed (coughbrynhildrcough). I hope this is just a fluke and the show won’t do that though.

Um...well..I can HOPE?
Um…well..I can HOPE?

I mean, the show isn’t BAD by any stretch, but it’s beginning to fall into the Girlfriend category of “Cute, but nothing’s really happening.” The art is nice, the characters are friendly and energetic enough (except for maybe the main dude) but i’m not quite sensing yet that I should care. And there IS a big story coming up. They’re slowly leading us into it and mentioning it once or twice, but there will be a time when this show gets crazy and i’m very interested to see when that will be and what they will do. Until then we get this.

My thoughts exactly
My thoughts exactly

So, not a great episode, but cute nonetheless. Still waiting for the plot to pick up.


Now tell me you asshole. WHAT ARE YOU READING?!


