So what in the world are our underpant gods up to this time? Well nothing earth shatteringly major. Then again, Did you really expect there would be considering what this series’ premise is? Still though, stuff DID happen. Just….not sure how exciting it was. I mean..I watched it, and it was okay, but it was kind of one of those episodes I had to go back and skim through it as I forgot a lot of stuff that happened. Let’s go back and revisit it so I can remember what the hell happened….
So the first story takes place in winter when apparently they have a holiday which celebrates warding away demons. In the household, the father dresses up in a demon outfit, and the kids throw beans at him to drive him away.

Unfortunately, the Cocotamas did not see that the father put on the costume and they think it’s an actual demon attacking Kokoro. They decide they have to protect her and try throwing things at him as well, including using a catapult to do so.

Kokoro sees what they’re doing and manages to hide them, and afterwards explains to everyone what was actually going on. And then Mogutan eats all the beans. Because he’s the fat one.

The seconds story is a bit longer. For the first time the Cocotamas get to see snow. At first they freak out, not knowing what it is, but Kokoro explains what snow is, and they calm down, wanting to play in it. She warns them however that it can be really cold and they have to be careful. She makes them promise to wait for her to come back before going out to play in the snow.
After she goes to school, they discuss whether they should break that promise or not, but it’s a moot point as the cat scares them out the window.

They all play around in the snow for a bit, and then that old sage Cocotama from a bunch of episodes back shows up and tries to talk to them about something. However, seeing as they’re kind of derps, they just start hucking snowballs at him.

In response to this, he traps everyone (except for the blue shampoo one who doesn’t get caught) in a giant ice castle and makes them go through trials in an attempt to escape.
After a while of traversing, they realize that he’s not with the group and they go looking for him. When they are completely exhausted, he shows up with Kokoro who busts a hole in the roof and helps them escape.

And the episode ends with them all warming up…except for the old guy who’s still waiting for them to escape because he doesn’t realize they were rescued.
The first half of this episode…was…weird. It had one of those plots that could have been resolved immediately if Kokoro had explained what was going on in the beginning instead of saying what she was doing was “a secret”. I think at this point she should realize she has to explain everything to these guys as they basically don’t understand anything whatsoever.
The second story at least had a little more going for it, and I do have to say, I like how the one that got separated was one of the newer characters instead of Lucky, giving the other characters chances to do stuff.

It’s nice how they welcomed these three into the fold as well and are making them main characters. I was a little worried at first they would kind of relegate these new guys into the background, but they incorporate them pretty nicely and you kind of get this feeling that if you were to jump into this show now, you wouldn’t assume they ever WEREN’T there.
This episode wasn’t exactly the greatest story ever told, but it’s cute, fun, and harmless. But here’s the thing. The Cocotamas and Kokoro actually have different looks and personalities which already puts it miles above the nothing that was “Girlfriend Beta” or “Koufuku Graffiti”. The trailer for the next episode doesn’t exactly fill me with anticipation though as it looks like a romance episode…but oh well we’ll see what happens.
As for this episode…. 6/10
Yep…slightly above average. Eh. They can’t all be gems.
P.s. Nope…they still haven’t subbed this show past episode 2….