After spending the night at Rem’s house, Ritsuka arrives at school in his black limousine. Of course, the whole school start to gossip about them. Ritsuka also tells her friend Azuna what happened the previous night and that after spending the night at his place she’s beginning to like him. Well if I was Azuna I sure will have a lot of questions to pose because this is fishy. But I don’t trust Azuna either, I can’t really tell why though. Shortly after, Ristuka is summoned by the student council but this time it’s a guy who look like a creepy fox who comes to show her the way. Let’s call him creepy-foxy. Strange fact: Creepy foxy has a weird symbol on the back of his neck. I suppose he’s possessed or something and that makes him the puppet of the student council.
When Ritsuka arrives at the student Council’s place, Rem is the only one that isn’t already there. Because of that, the rest of the gang start acting like professional creeps. There is definitely a Diabolik Lovers vibe here:
Urie: “Come to me if you want help, flowers and to see me talking in Spanish.”

Shiki: “No come to me or I will hurt you really bad.”
Mage: “Don’t listen to them and come to me because I look and act like a Yakuza. ”
Special mention to Kanato *Oups sorry should I say Shiki ? * for being extra creepy with sado-masochist tendencies.

But she says No to them…
Wait! … What was that ?! Was it a clear No from a Reverse Harem Heroine ? Oh I’m starting to like you Ritsuka.
Rem is back and as the great party pooper that he is, he interrupts them to announce to Ritsuka that the police was able to track the GPS signal from her mom’s phone. Apparently she’s in the Nagano prefecture. Coincidence, that’s where Ritsuka’s grandfather house is located (You know, the one who was into occult and mystic stuff).
After getting to know each other better in Rem’s expensive car, they arrived at the house. There’s obvious signs that someone barged in but no missing mom. Rem tries to comfort the heroine and at the same time prove her that behind his tsundere-guy shell he can be a nice guy. But I don’t trust him, he’s definitely hiding something.
Ritsuka also mentions the sister of her mother who passed away long ago but she gets no time to worry because the bad guys with red eyes are here, threatening them with a lighter. Ooooh scary, really scary ʕ ᓀ ᴥ ᓂ ʔ

Rem tells her to go away, what she does. He needs to be alone because if she stays she will discover the horrible truth, his true identity…

Sorry, I was too enthusiastic on this one. There it is, the only song of the episode. I’m a such sucker for musical things but damn, this song is catchy. Whenever there’s epic music in the background and battle I can’t control myself. Well this isn’t reaaally a battle but well, that’ll do. I’m fuck*d, I was forcing myself to not act like a fan girl but this is too much for me, his voice is too great, this is too catchy.
I’m really curious to see what other characters Rem’s seiyu is playing….Yamaguchi in Haikyuu, you’re telling me? Oh…Okay.. I fell better now… Thank you, my excitation is gone.
Back to the episode now. After Rem victory over the really threatening bad guys he exits the house walking through the fire. Because he’s so badass and obviously because HE’S THE DANCING BLUE PRINCE OF FLAMES. Random fire is for pussies, little flames can’t handle his swag ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
So Rem’s real last name appears to be Arlond. The show also suggests that this family is an important one, in the demoniac or magical field. I don’t really know. Since Rem is the heir of the Arlond family that makes him a powerful Devil.
After the arrival of the firemen and the police, Rem and Ritsuka leave the house with the big black Limousine. The driver of the car has the same marks as creepy foxy-guy from the beginning so they are definitely puppets.The episode ends with the meeting of Ritsuka’s brother Rindo and Rem in front of her house. They don’t seem to appreciate each other.But why does the only red hair guy has to be her brother. I don’t like incest love stories… WHYY ? ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻. Oh well, as long as he keeps on having this super smooth voice I won’t complain *w*
So there’s not a lot of things happening in this episode. Ritsuka’s mother is still missing, The student council are some kind or devils/magicians and the bad guys are still looking for the magic “grimoire”. Ritsuka and Rem start to get all lovey dovey and we just saw her brother a couple of seconds. But still, it was enjoyable. I won’t lie, I was waiting for the songs and I was slightly disappointed to see that there was only one song this time and not two like the first time.
In the preview of the next episode we get to see Ritsuka chased by groups of fan girls with masks. Also she’s getting more intimate with the creepy-pervert guy with a plait. Name of the episode: Tango of passion and Seduction. I can’t wait for the pervert plait guy to talk in Spanish. That must be hilarious. But it will be Nikolita’s turn to count you this fabulous story.
As for the name of this week episode, I didn’t know what “Jitterbug “means so I decided to trust the great google and I found two possible answers :

♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟ ♔ ♖♕ ♗ ♘ ♙
Shiki’s like a demon yandere version of Laito, to be more precise, he’s a fusion between Kanato and Laito, which I kinda of liked.
Actually, I kind of like him. Even if he’s really weird, he’s weird in a fun way. At least the show made him look funny in this episode (when he fights with the dog just after trying to seduce Ritsuka ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ )
Me like creepy yandere. Me hyped
I love your photo comparison at the end. XD Very creative! (It’s a dance. ^^ )
Does the romance between Rem & Ritsuka feel forced to you at all? (Just curious.)
YES, I’m glad someone else noticed that Shiki was creepy. Definitely gonna be the psycho character in the series.
I get to review the episode with the Spanish-speaking dude? Awe-some! I can’t wait!
I love your reviews Charibo!! <3 waves fangirl flag
Aha thank you my first fan girl ever ୧ʕ•̀ᴥ•́ʔ୨
As for the romance between Rem and Ritsuka it didn’t bother me since we aaalll know that there’s going to be some romance between her and all the other characters. Each character has only a limited amount of time to do his things with Ritsuka. But for this episode It didn’t seem really forced. Well at least not more than any Reverse Harem series, plus Rem he’s the main guy.
Yup Next week it’s the Spanish dude time to shine. I’m too curious so I already listened to his song on internet ʕ ◔ᴥ◔ ʔ. There is Spanish words and it’s entertaining, sing me in !
Shiki look like a yandere :/ I always remember his line in the student council song : “I’ll break you gently”. And a famous quote from Kanato : “‘I’ll break you”. Coincidence ? I don’t think so ʕ◉ᴥ◉ʔ
I think the jitterbug in this context is the dance. Specifically, an American dance popular in the 1930s and 1940s.
I believe every episode will reference a dance movement, seeing that next week’s the Argentinian tango.
Yes I think you’re right ! (My comparison between the phone and the dance was a joke though. I can hardly imagine a title of episode named after a brand of cellphones ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ. )
If each Dance movement is going to be particular to a character, I’m really wondering what will be shiki’s dance movement, the creeper dance maybe ? ᶘ ͡°ᴥ͡°ᶅ