Anime Boston 2015 [Convention Review]

Note: All three reviewers collaboratively covered different sections and some joint sections. If you feel something needs clarification so you might further enjoy a future Anime Boston event, feel free…

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ANIME NORTH 2014: DAY 1 – Upscale

Weather: 17′ C, Partially Cloudy, Windy (only bad when you’re stuck in line for three hours. Ironically the sun only came out when the dealer-room opened)
This year I have returned to Anime North for the 4th time, and man- have a lot of things changed in the one year I skipped it, and for the better!!! (more…)

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Anime Boston 2013: Overall Thoughts + Some Exclusive Tidbits

Features Coverage by both Eva and Oki!

Anime Boston 2013 Cosplay Img 0021
After a nightmare scenario from my computer not functioning on to accidentally breaking my precious beloved SLR camera’s lens Saturday morning and wounding up with a strep throat in the middle of all that mess I am finally getting around to posting my thoughts about Anime Boston. So as result to those unfortunate circumstances, I’m just going to lay it all out. (more…)


Anime Boston 2013 Day 1

This year I have traveled for the first time on my own outside of the country. I have traveled to Boston,  Massachusetts to attend Anime Boston with Oki. Ever since I’ve arrived yesterday it has been cloudy, and extremely humid along with on and off rain showers- however the rain is hardly a problem as Anime Boston is majorly an indoor (not to mention gorgeous) convention. (more…)

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