Winter Anime 2011 Overview: The Failures and Masterpieces of This Season

And thus, the Winter Season 2011 has ended. Was it good? Was it bad? Well, no matter, because we have 4 bloggers here ready to comment on it. Enjoy to your heart’s content this post discussing the best and the worst turns of anime this season. Feel free to comment and put down your own thoughts (We won’t bite!)!

*Please Note: Very frequent Occasional biases will may occur in this post since we are human and cannot watch all the anime shows from this season a.k.a. We have a life. Moreover, many shows are may be frequently repeated. Please also note that this is just for fun.*



Nichijou Episode 2: 0_0 WEEEEEEIRD…

Everyone, get your brains ready. Why? Because this show is so senseless if watchers are not careful their brains could be damaged. Seriously O_o.

Ohh yes, because everyone happens to see that every morning, I didn't know there were SPECTACULAR ones also!


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