Working! Season 2 Episode 7: So Cute! And Funny! ^.^

This week, a new character is introduced!!! And to be honest, he’s quite a lot more adorable than Takanashi will ever be ahem oops, it just slipped my mind, that’s all.
Inami meets him on her way to work, in a back street somewhere where she might get raped by a molester rumored to be around here. It turns out that Yamada Kirio is looking for his sister, and he happens to look exactly like the Yamada living at the store! Golly gosh darn, I wonder who’s sister this is. Not only is he quite cute, he seems to have a kick for Inami, AND HE CAN BLOCK HER PUNCHES!! WHAAA!!

I never thought I'd see the day when someone blocks Inami's punch so gracefully.



YGO Zexal Status Update

Hi everyone! My arms and hands are feeling a whole lot better though they still hurt a bit, so I'll resume blogging as of today! Anyways, I wanted to give…

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