Infinite Stratos 11 + 12 [Final Impressions] SCREENIES AND OPINIONS GALORE

I know why you’re here. Not to play catch up with me, certainly, but the first part of this post is a review of 11. Actually, I prefer it this way because 11 and 12 fit together as an amazing two parter and I think the review I’ve put together is great. So prepare, Zero and I welcome you to a show of moe, boobs, amazing mecha, character development and EVEN MORE CECILIA ALC- ouch. Sorry Zero. Anyway, Infinite Stratos concludes here!

[below the cut is a gallery of 100+ screenshots as a bonus- enjoy and feel free to use!]




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Hellsing Ultimate OVA Episode 1 [First Impression]: Welcome to the World of GORE AND KILLING

Yes, that’s right, you read the title properly. Hellsing Ultimate is finally getting its place among the Angryanimebitches blog (I didn’t have time for it before sad face) Please welcome the pure greatness of a horrific, disgusting, gory yet terribly badass show about vampires into our blog.

*Please Note: This screencap will be re-used for every single episode, for the simple reason that I do not want to be blamed for occasional barfing and/or being traumatized. If you click "Read more" it becomes your problem.*


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