Manyuu Hikenchou Episode 1: In a land of boobs where boobs are boobs and also titties [First Impression]

My boobs are of steel, so I have taken this man eating task upon my hardy cleavage.

This is all you need to know about this series

And…and I love this. IT’S SO HORRIBLE IT’S AWESOME!


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Blood C Ep 1: pretty noodle people and, shocker, BLOOD!!! oh dear. [First Impression]

did I mention I love this opening theme?! I would have children with this opening theme. yes it’s pretty generic but I am a schoolgirl pedobear nightmare for shounen openings with dramatic killings and swords and pretty ladies and TWIN BUTT BUMPING

I literally have been foaming at the mouth waiting for this. This post is only late because I wanted better quality for screens and shit.



Mayo Chiki Episode 1: Beaten to Pulp [First Impression]

Jirou is a young boy with a special body. Every time he is touched by a girl, his nose starts bleeding and if the touching were to continue he would lose consciousness. But no one knows about this weakness of his and people only think that he might just be gay and this is why he is avoiding everyone. But one day he found out a terrible secret about the most popular guy in school, it turns out that he was, in fact, a girl.
